Fighting to protect nature for people
Nature is life: Every breath you take, every drop you drink, every bite you eat — it all comes from nature. And by storing climate-warming carbon, ecosystems like forests and oceans help prevent the most dangerous effects of climate change. As valuable as nature is to our survival, it is also deeply threatened. Few places on the planet have escaped humankind’s presence.
Listen, come closer. Immerse yourself now. Explore the soundscapes of nature — intricate birdsongs, the murmur of insects, trickling streams — and be transported across the globe. Hear me while you can.
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Narrated by Jason Momoa, Shalene Woodley, Joan Chen, Liam Neeson, Reese Witherspoon, Lee Pace, Harrison Ford, Lupita Nyongyo, Ian Somerhalder, Robert Redford, Julia Roberts, Edward Norton, Penelope Cruz.